Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fun with Friends!

We had a "small" group of friends over for a play date today.  We had 5 toddlers (including Ike) and two babies (under 1) instead of the usual group of 7-10.  They certainly were busy though!  I had hoped to have everyone check out the new swing set, but the windy/chilly weather kept us moms inside.  We may have to wait several weeks before trying again.  The next few days are supposed to be cold and rainy.

Ike loves to play with his buddies, but he also seems to savor his quiet time.   I caught him reading a book on his own a few times during the play date.  I'm grateful that he appreciates both!

Friday, February 25, 2011

King of the Backyard

Our new swing set was installed on Wednesday, and we tested it out on Thursday.  It's hard to tell who's more excited- Daddy, Mommy or Ike!   Luckily, the weather has been BEAUTIFUL this week, so we were able to go out again today.

Monday, February 21, 2011

2 Year Checkup

Ike had his 2 year checkup with Dr. H. this past week.  It was probably the fastest appointment we've ever had.  Dr. H. said he is doing just fine. Ike wasn't too happy to be at the doctor's office, but thankfully Dr. H. survived without getting kicked!    There weren't any shots this time, and his next well-check isn't until he's three!  Let's just hope we can manage to stay away from the doctor's office until then.
Here are the latest stats:

head circumference   19.25 inches  (50%)
height  35.75 inches  (75-90%)
weight   25.4 lbs  (25%)
When I asked Dr. H. if he was still worried about Ike's weight, he said, "I never was!"   I guess sometimes Mommy just needs to hear that...again.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday!

Dear Ike,
You have brought an immense amount of joy, laughter, and fun to our lives.  Here are just a few of the latest and greatest things that make you so very special to us.

Your vocabulary continues to grow.  One of our friends even mentioned how clearly you are speaking!

You are a wonderful friend.   You are quick to share your toys and snacks with your playmates.

You've recently showed interest in Mommy and Daddy's feelings.  Sometimes you'll even ask, "Mommy sad?" or "Daddy tired?"

You take such pride in helping around the house.  Some of your favorite pastimes are helping unload the dishwasher, "mopping" the floor, and wiping off the table.

You are growing more independent each day.  You'll often say "Ike do it," to let us know that you're ready to try something on your own.

You continue to be affectionate.  Daddy and I are always happy to grant your request for a group hug.

Much Love,
Mommy & Daddy
February 2009

February 2010

February 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

All Aboard!

Learning about simple machines
Sitting with his buddy Nick
Listening to a story about tow trucks
We braved the cold temperatures to visit the Southeastern Railway Museum today.  It was actually our second trip there.  We went there in May with our JCC playgroup, but Ike was MUCH more enthusiastic about it this time.  As soon as we pulled into the parking lot, the trains were in view.  Ike immediately starting calling out, "Choo choo trains!"  Getting him to wait in the slightly slow ticket line was a bit of a challenge.  He wanted to run right over to the train yard and check everything out.
In the Monster truck

The museum does a preschool program once a month, so we saw an experiment involving pulleys, played a game with  toy cars, climbed aboard a "Monster" truck, heard some stories, sang some songs, and did a craft.  It was certainly a full morning!  Our friends Sam and Nick were there too, which made it extra fun!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Talking a Blue Streak

Ike has been talking more and more each day.  It's just wonderful to hear his voice!  He mimics a lot of what we say, has progressed to sentences, and even attempts some three syllable words like dictionary and alphabet.  When I read to him, I often stop before the last word of a sentence and he fills it in.

When we were at the library for story time today, he spotted a book in the "duck" series by Jez Alborough.  Even during our first reading of the book, he was catching on to the refrain- "Never fear, Super Duck is here!"

I took a few short movies of Ike and Cousin Lils the other day.  Ike LOVED watching Lils play "hide and seek."  He kept saying "Where's Lillian?" whenever she hid around a corner.  He'd then crack up with laughter when she reappeared.  It's great to see them interacting so well.  Ike also had fun rhyming and naming colors with Uncle Michael.


Monday, January 10, 2011

Here We Snow Again!

Today's snowfall is our biggest ever, we think.  We haven't been outside to measure it, but our street was completely covered this morning.  J is home from work as all of the metro Atlanta area is under a blanket of white.  Ike doesn't seem to impressed by the snow.  Perhaps he's gotten used to it at this point.  He's certainly seen a good amount of snow in his lifetime.