Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

Ike really seemed to enjoy the festivities this year. Halloween weekend started off great with a party at one of his friend's houses. We decorated sugar cookies, gobbled up some treats, and played with his friends.

On Saturday, Mommy and Daddy took Ike to "Boo at the Zoo" with cousin Lillian, "Gwee," Aunt Leslie, Uncle Matt, and Aunt Debbie. Ike and Lillian looked just adorable in their costumes. Zoo staff and volunteers were giving out treats, and some of the animals were happily munching on pumpkins. Later, we met up with Uncle Michael at the Fickle Pickle, where Ike and Lillian's excellent manners continued through a delicious lunch. Ike was good enough to share some of his meal with Lils. After a busy morning and early afternoon, Ike fell asleep on the ride home and slept for another hour and a half at home.
On Sunday, we had Ike practice saying "trick or treat" during the day in preparation for the big event. Whenever we said "say trick or treat," he would just say "treat." Good enough for an almost 21 month old, don't you think? We started trick or treating with our neighbor, Sammi, around 6:30. Daddy took the kids in the wagon (along with Sammi's mommy) while Mommy manned the door of our house. Ike liked saying "treat" at most of the houses, and even said a few "thank yous" too. He was a little anxious if there were too many jack-o-lanterns around, but otherwise he seemed very content to collect his treats. All in all, it was a successful Halloween!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I Love You & Kisses

Ever since Ike was born, we've been saying "I love you" to him every night. Of course, we say it more often than that, but at a minimum-every night. Just recently he started saying it back to us! It sounds more like "I uh you," but we're sure he'll get the "you" in there very soon. He also gives a great "mwah" on the cheek when we offer it to him. So sweet!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Down on the Ranch/Farm

We took two exciting trips this week! One day, Ike and Mommy visited the Yellow River Game Ranch. It was kind of like Lion Country Safari, but we walked on a trail instead of driving in a car. The deer came right up to us to look for food! Ike was so excited to feed, watch, and attempt to hug the animals.

Later in the week, we went to Kinsey Farm with Mommy, Daddy, Gwee, Aunt Leslie, Uncle Matty, and Cousin Lillian. We had actually taken Ike there last year, but it had been a MUCH cooler day. We're glad we planned this year's trip for a little earlier in October because the weather was PERFECT! Everyone had fun taking photos with the pumpkins and goats, going for a hayride, and then going out to lunch. Want to see more photos? Don't forget to check out the Mac Gallery!