Sunday, February 28, 2010

What a long strange trip it's been...

I think this may be the longest I've gone without updating the blog since its inception. It seems like Ike's first birthday was eons ago when it hasn't even been a month! The above photo was actually taken on my phone while we were picking up some things on his birthday. He looks a lot to me like his Uncle Michael when he was around the same age.

In just the past few days, separation anxiety seems to have set in. Ike becomes VERY upset if he cannot see Mommy. Daddy is a close second. Earlier in the week, he was more than happy to hang out with Little Grammy while Mommy went out for a few hours. We're not sure how he would react to my absence if we tried that again in the immediate future.

We quickly learned (thank you T. Berry Brazelton) that this is completely normal. We also learned there is little we can do to stop it. Fiddlesticks! Isn't child development fascinating?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

One Year Check Up

Ike's one year checkup was today. Here are the latest stats:

height: 31.75 inches (90%)
weight: 21 pounds, 2 ounces (25%)
head circumference: 18.25 inches (50%)

The doctor told us he's looking great. We'll be making the switch from formula to milk over the next few weeks, and Ike can eat just about anything we eat. Yippeeee!

The Big One

Ike's first birthday party was a ton of fun. It had to be postponed one day due to the biggest accumulation of snow we've had in years, but that didn't dampen our spirits! Ike was in great spirits and impressed everyone with his savvy cake smashing technique.

Notice how tired he is in the last photo? Grandpa Alan snapped it while he, Grandma Donna and Abuela Olga babysat for Ike on Sunday evening. A day of partying and some serious play with the grandparents is enough for anyone to need some rest!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

52 Weeks!

I cannot fathom the fact that Ike is 52 weeks old today! Where did the time go? Why is it going there so very fast? We love you so much, Pudding!

Ike has actually taken a few steps on his own in the past few days. I was in denial, but he did it in front of Daddy the other night and for one of our neighbors who was here with her daughter today. She brought over a birthday present for Ike a little early.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Weekend Fun

We had a full weekend! On Friday, we celebrated Ike's birthday a little early with our GAM friends. Four of the kids have their birthdays within two weeks of each other. Ike's eyes lit up when everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to him. Right after that, he demolished the cupcake. What a mess! Well, it was great practice for the big day.

On Saturday, we attended our good friend Benjamin's birthday party at "My Gym." Ike got to hang out a bit with our friend Ella and also try out the zip line. What a blast!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

51 weeks

Holy cow! Just one more week until our last photo. I think Ike is excited about it too. He certainly is showing it in this week's shot.

One of his newest tricks is closing doors. He loves to shut one and then wait by the door until we open it. He is also standing on his own from time to time. He only lasts about 3 seconds, but I'm sure that'll change.