Sunday, January 31, 2010

50 weeks

Ike turned 50 weeks old on Thursday! Just 2 more weeks until the BIG DAY!

On Friday afternoon, we joined our friends Carson, Emery, and Nick at Imaginations at Play to help our friend Sam celebrate his first birthday. Imaginations at Play is a great indoor play place that all the kids really loved. We plan to go back there again.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sweet Stories

It seems like Ike has turned into a little person over night. Here are just a few moments that we just had to share.

The other evening, Ike was playing on the kitchen floor with some of his toys. All of a sudden, he took off, heading for the unlit formal living room. He took one of his lift the flap books and began "reading" it in the dark. Daddy went in after him, reminded him not to read in the dark, and brought him back into the kitchen so he could "read" while we ate dinner.

Ike and Mommy started a gymnastics class last week. Although the class is only 30 minutes long, both Ike and Mom were EXHAUSTED after just one session! Ike especially liked rolling on the "big red ball." The instructor showed us how to place the babies on it tummy down, with their head, legs, and arms dangling. While holding their backs, we were to roll the ball forwards and backwards. Ike was hysterical! He reached forward to catch himself with his arms with the gym mat below for support. What a great gymnast!

We had some much welcome sunshine one afternoon this week. Mommy took the opportunity to take Ike outside in his "cozy coupe." He had a good time checking out his shadow as we cruised around the driveway.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Highchair High Jinks

Ike had an eventful lunch time today. Check it out...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

49 weeks

Ike is 49 weeks old today. He was all ready for his picture this morning. I took out the bear and he headed straight for his spot on the chair. After I took the photo, he hugged the bear and then I showed him the picture. He always likes to take a look at himself on the camera. It's hard to believe we only have three more to take!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Little Man

We enjoyed some of the beautiful weather with a trip to the park on Monday. Daddy joined us since it was Martin Luther King Day and he was off. Here's a couple of cute shots of Ike around the house. Ike is looking and sounding more like a little man every day. He is such fun!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

48 weeks

Woo hoo! Ike turned 48 weeks old this past Thursday. He's getting excited about his first birthday. Well, he actually doesn't quite understand birthdays yet, but we are looking forward to it.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

47 weeks

Ike is 47 weeks today. He is doing so many new things, it's hard to keep up with him! Here are just a few:

1. He gives the BEST hugs. His dad and I love when he wraps his arms around our necks. He also loves to hug his favorite stuffed animals.

2. He waves goodbye. This is becoming much more common. Whenever he hears anyone say "goodbye" or even just "bye-bye," he waves!

3. Dressing him is becoming more of a challenge because he CAN'T SIT STILL. If we don't distract him with something, it's naked baby!

4. He's cruising. This means he is walking around using any available furniture, window sills, or people for support.

5. He is babbling. It's music to our ears to hear his sweet little voice.

6. He LOVES being tickled on the neck. Grandpa Alan discovered this back in November, but it is much more evident now.

7. He plays independently. As long as Mommy or Daddy is nearby, he is happy to play with his toys.

8. He makes his own music by banging on flat surfaces or knocking two blocks together.

9. He loves books. If we don't watch carefully, he's at the bookcase pulling down several books at a time.

10. His favorite book right now is one about Clifford, the big red dog. He loves turning the pages and pointing to all the different things in the pictures.

Sunday, January 3, 2010