Thursday, October 29, 2009

37 weeks

Ike is 37 weeks old today. I had to take him to the doctor to get his H1N1 shot, so I asked if the nurse would weigh him. He is 20 pounds, 7 ounces! I think he may be an early walker. He is constantly trying to climb on everything. He uses tables, my hair, his bouncy seat, and anything else he can for leverage to pull himself up to his knees. However, he still doesn't like to sit up. He's much happier crawling around on all fours!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hanging w/Uncle Michael

While Mommy and Daddy attended a CPR class on Sunday afternoon, Ike hung out with Uncle Michael, Aunt Leslie, Uncle Matt, and Cousin Lillian. After some exciting playtime with Uncle Michael, it looks like Ike was completely worn out! Here are a few photos that Aunt Leslie was good enough to send to us.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Standing tall

Ike loves to stand up with the help of our family room furniture.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

36 weeks

Ike is 36 weeks old today. We went to story hour this morning. Ike and his buddy Nick had fun crawling across the carpet to check out all the other kids.

Our family attended a special event yesterday. Ike attended his first bris (other than his own!). It was the bris of Noah, my dear friend Traci's (and Peter's) little boy. We also got to see Noah's big brother Benjamin, who was at Ike's bris. Ella (see photo above), the daughter of our other good friends, Shelly and Tom, was there too. It was great to see all the kids together. The mohel was Dr. Goodman, the same one who did Ike's bris. We look forward to many more simchas with our friends!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Fall Fun

We took Ike to the Kinsey Farm pumpkin patch yesterday. The weather report called for "abundant sunshine," and that's exactly what we had. However, it was chilly! We lasted about 20 minutes before we had to get out of there. Ike's little nose turned red rather quickly. He sure isn't accustomed to the cold weather. After attempting several photos, we bought a few small pumpkins and headed to a nearby outlet mall.

After a bit of a hunt, we found a good winter hat for Ike. It's the kind with the pom pom at the top and the ear cute! Perhaps we'll take a photo of him in it on Thursday. Speaking of clothing, Ike is growing taller and taller. He is wearing 12 month clothes right now, but we think he'll be in 18 month things very soon. His legs are so long. Maybe that's why it's so hard to keep up with him!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

35 weeks

Here's week 35 for all the Ike fans out there! Yes, apparently Mommy dressed him in the same long-sleeved onesie two weeks in a row.

We had fun on Friday hosting a GAM group playdate. Ike was quite excited to visit with his friends and show them his toys.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Book lover?

You think Ike will be a book lover like his parents?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Toothless no more!

Check out the video below for a glimpse of Ike's first tooth. Hint: It's the lower front center tooth.

Friday, October 9, 2009

34 weeks

As I've been saying for a weeks, getting Ike's weekly photo is becoming A LOT more challenging. Thank goodness we wait until Daddy could help with this one!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Farmer Ike

We just had to post these photos of Ike in his overalls. Tia Mary got them for us last November, when Ike was still in Mommy's tummy!

Friday, October 2, 2009

33 weeks & More Moving

Ike can now hang out with his younger cousin, Lillian Sophie! I think they're going to be fast friends.

After we tried out and approved a "Bumbo"-type chair at our friend Shelly & Ella's house, Mommy found one for Ike at a consignment store! Do you think he likes it?