Thursday, November 26, 2009

41 Weeks/Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Turkey Day! Ike is 41 weeks old today. We enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving at home with Matt, Leslie, and Lillian. Jim made stuffing (from scratch!), cranberry relish, and a succulent 18 pound turkey. There are plenty of leftovers for the next few days.

Ike's 9 month doctor appointment was on Wednesday. He is 20 pounds, 11 ounces (50%)and 29 1/4 inches (75%). The doctor called him a "prototypical male...curious, active, and loving."

Ike is ready for stage 3 food. He will be using his fingers a lot more at mealtimes, which means a BIG MESS for us!

I am so thankful for our little boy who grows more precious to us each and every day.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Our Friend Shelly

I have to take a few moments here, on Ike's blog, to say goodbye to our dear friend Shelly. I have this photo of her. It was taken at my baby shower in January. She was so full of life and love. She didn't know then that her baby was a girl. However, I'm sure she was looking forward to all the fantastic things that parenthood brings us. Love you, friend!

40 weeks

Ike was 40 weeks on November 19th.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

39 weeks/9 months

Ike is 39 weeks old today. He is also 9 months. Time is going incredibly fast. It's been a few days since I've posted because we've been VERY busy with visits from family. Ike's Grandpa Alan was here this past weekend to hang out with the grand kids and celebrate his 65th birthday. The weekend before that, Ike's "Little Grammy" was here to help us celebrate Halloween. The good news is, she'll be living much closer very soon. She found a house while she was visiting us!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Ike vs. Food

Who's the winner? You decide!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

38 weeks

Ike is 38 weeks old today. What an active child he is!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Making Music

Ike has a new music table that I found at a consignment store. He loves it! Not only can he pull himself up to his knees with it, he can make all kinds of music. He doesn't normally like to sit, but he will when he is playing with this new toy.


We had fun on Ike's first Halloween, despite the rain. Little Grammy and Great Aunt Debbie were in town to celebrate with us. Aunt Leslie and Cousin Lillian came over to have dinner and go trick or treating. Unfortunately, the rain and cool temperatures prevented us from going around the neighborhood too much.