Monday, August 30, 2010

Riding My Tricycle

Well, Ike isn't exactly riding his tricycle yet, but he will! I was lucky enough to find a genuine Radio Flyer tricycle sale at a consignment sale for just $10! He's been checking out the "big boys" on our street as they ride by on their two-wheelers (some with training wheels, some without). Pedaling is definitely an advanced skill, but we'll get to practice more soon as cooler fall weather approaches.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Adventures in Toothbrushing

Let me begin by saying that Ike DOES NOT like brushing his teeth. Therefore, getting photos of him in action is an extreme challenge. In addition, he always wants to play with the camera. This makes an extreme challenge practically impossible. Thanks to some quick thinking and moving on my part, I was able to capture a few images of him brushing this morning. He must have been a wee bit sleepy still.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

18 Month Checkup

We took Ike to Dr. H. today for his 18 month checkup. Dr. H. said he "looks great," and has a "good disposition." Here are his latest stats:

head circumference: 18.875 inches (50%)
height: 33.25 inches (75%)
weight: 22.8 lbs (10%)

He is not concerned about Ike's weight at all. He is not concerned about Ike's weight at all. (I said that for emphasis, it is not a typo!) Dr. H. said that his weight will go up and down a little bit at this age. If he's not worried, we're not worried!

He also said we could look into getting Ike a potty, even though boys usually start between two and three years old.

One of the things he said he will do soon is jump (for joy!).

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

18 Months and 18 Things About Ike

Oh my! Our little man is a year and a half old! Time continues to travel at lightning speeds. We love you so much, Ike!

1) LOVES vanilla ice cream! He calls it "I cream," and wants it after most meals.

2) Knows several Sesame Street characters by name, even though he is yet to see the show (other than the occasional online video segments). He calls Ernie "Henri," Elmo "Mo," Abby Cadabby "Abby," and Cookie Monster "Cookah."

3) Recognizes his name in print. He saw it on the bottom of one of his cups and started saying "Ikie, Ikie?" He even kissed it!

4) Getting good at climbing UP the stairs. Mom and Dad are finding downstairs walking A LOT more nerve-racking.

5) Doesn't love brushing his teeth. However, he does enjoy playing with the water and hearing the music that plays from his "Yo Gabba Gabba" toothbrush.

6) Can be soothed (especially during longish car rides) by a Sharon, Lois & Bram CD.

7) Is slowly perfecting his fork skills, although he usually prefers a spoon (or better yet, his hands)

8) Interested in how things work. Turns on lamps, radios, or anything else he can reach.

9) Enjoys observing things in motion- cars, trucks, etc.

10) Favorite songs: "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," "The Wheels on the Bus"

11) Waits by the inside garage door for Daddy when he hears the outside door opening

12) Loves checking out shadows

13) Wants to play with our phones, and is anxious when we are on them (not talking to him)

14) Continues to love books-now wants us to read the same ones over and over again in the same sitting. Frequent trips to the library are saving Mommy & Daddy from boredom.

15) Goes to the office doors several times a day if Daddy is there, since J works from home two days each week in the summer

16) Mimicking- He's doing A LOT more of it these days, so we need to be careful what we say!

17) Haircuts- Just got his fourth or fifth one today! (8/7) It's getting hard to keep track. It was only the second one that Mommy took him to, so it might be something for Daddy in the future.

18) Enjoys trips to the park. Unfortunately, the heat has kept us from too many of these. We can't wait until fall temperatures come!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Happy Birthday, Cousin!

What a fun weekend! Ike was lucky enough to attend his cousin Lillian's first birthday party on Saturday. Mommy and Daddy came too, of course! Grandpa ("Pa") was in town to help celebrate as well. Here are some fun photos from the festivities.