Monday, March 29, 2010

Breakfast of Champions

Wild Weekend

Whew! Ike had a very busy weekend. We saw lots of family and friends and enjoyed some nice spring weather.

On Friday, eight mommies and kids came over for our monthly play date. We hadn't hosted in a while, so it was a lot of fun to have everyone over at our house.

On Saturday, we went to our friend Ella's first birthday party. There was a huge crowd there to help Ella celebrate! The weather was beautiful, so we got to spend some time in the backyard playing. Our friend Nate was there too.

On Saturday evening, we celebrated Uncle Michael's birthday. Little Grammy, Aunt Leslie, Uncle Matt, and Cousin Lillian came over for a barbecue and Ike had his first taste of Carvel ice cream cake...YUM!

On Sunday, we went to Lillian's Mom Mom Sue's house for brunch to celebrate Ivy, Uncle Michael, and Uncle Matt's birthdays. Ike had a bagel and cream cheese and his first taste of noodle kugel. Sue's kugel is delish! He also had a great time playing with Sam and Maura. Little Grammy provided some entertainment for us and Ike enjoyed listening.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Mobile Man

Ike is on the move...on his own! We still can't believe it ourselves, but he's walking from room to room with no help from us. With his haircut last week and now this, it really feels as though we have a toddler in our midst.

When I took him to story hour yesterday, he walked away from me, turned back with a smile, and then walked back. It was so sweet! He gives great hugs and even occasionally blows kisses. He seems to be better about the separation anxiety, especially when he is sufficiently distracted. He didn't even cry when I left him with Grandma the other day.

Napping is still an issue. He does sleep for about 11-12 hours at night, for which we are very grateful. Enjoy these videos of Ike in action!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

How's my hair?

We went for Ike's first haircut today. We went early to one of those "fancy" kid-friendly places. They open at 9AM and we were there around 10:30. We practically had the place to ourselves. There was just one little boy just leaving as we arrived. His parents said he was 22 months and that he had cried the whole time. "Oh no!" I said.

Ike was a bit fussy getting into the chair and having the drape put around him. He perked up when he saw himself in the big mirror. He seemed to enjoy the bubbles that the hairdresser used to distract him. He was extremely well behaved during the cutting process. He spent most of the time looking at Mommy and Daddy and playing with the toys provided by the salon. The hairdresser attempted to use the clippers after he did so well with the scissors, but this was a bit much for our little man. We think he looks tres magnifique, but then he looked that way before his haircut too!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

We need a (spring) break!

It was finally nice and warm enough to take a walk to the park yesterday. Ike loves the swings more all the time. We took him on the teeter totter for the first time on this visit. He and Daddy also enjoyed the slide together.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Gymnast Extraordinaire!

Today was our last "Bouncin' Babies" gymnastics class. We've been going almost every Friday for the last several weeks. At the beginning, it felt like Mommy was getting more of a workout than Ike. Thankfully, that changed for the better, and he is quite the little mover these days. Here's some fun footage from our last day.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Here we snow again...

You read it right! It's March 2, and it's snowing here. Ike enjoyed watching the snowfall during his breakfast this morning. We hope Daddy gets to leave work early to avoid the icy roads.