Friday, April 30, 2010

Our Future Great Orator

Ike is already in training to become a great speech-maker. Daddy likes to help him work on his gesturing.

Monday, April 26, 2010

15 months and 15 things about Ike

Ike will be 15 months old on May 12th. We love him so much and are extremely grateful to have him in our lives.

1. He is NOT a morning person. He wakes up every day between 6:30 and 7:00 sounding quite ornery.

2. He loves books. Sometimes he'll even give them kisses and hugs.

3. One of his favorite toys is his set of stacking cups. He loves to stack them, knock them down, or get us to put them on our heads as a hat.

4. After we sing to him, he'll clap to show his appreciation.

5. He loves Elmo. He can't say it yet, but he does say "Mo."

6. He enjoys unplugging the cable for our internet connection. I think it's because the light on the port changes color when he unplugs it.

7. He knows several animal sounds. When we ask him what a cow says, he'll respond with "Moo." He also knows the sounds that a horse, pig, dog, chicken, and a duck make.

8. He strongly dislikes having his diaper changed. We have to sing him a song and give him something to play with just to get through it.

9. Getting him dressed in the morning is quite a chore, since he wiggles around a lot!

10. He loves to play with water. One of his favorite activities is the water table. During mealtimes, he'll spit out some of his water or milk in an attempt to turn his highchair into a makeshift water table.

11. He gets jealous if we are on the phone too long. Talk time can be extended if we use the speaker phone and ask the person to talk or sing to Ike.

12. He loves cheese! I spell the word if I need to say it around him because otherwise, he'll want some at that moment.

13. He likes to munch on graham crackers. He calls them cookies. He actually says "cook-kay," and it sounds so cute!

14. He has taken a very relaxed approach to swimming lessons. He doesn't do a lot of splashing or kicking, but he seems to delight in just being in the water.

15. In the car, he likes to hold his blue and white dog and a book. Companionship and reading material=happy Ike. :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Hide and Seek with Daddy

Between dinner and bedtime, Ike and Daddy like to play. One of their favorite pastimes is hide and go seek. Check it out!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Growing Up...

Ike is acting more like a big boy all the time. It's hard to believe that our baby boy is almost 14 months old. Here are some of the "big kid" things he is doing:

He is walking all over the place.

He is no longer drinking from a bottle. He drinks both milk and water from a sippy cup.

The other night, he didn't want me to hold him after I read him his goodnight story. He just wanted to go in his crib and go to sleep. I realize this is probably a good thing, but it made me a little sad.

He can say a few words: cheese, ball, bye-bye, Mama, and Dada.

He gives lots of hugs to Elmo, his blue and white dog, and his family. He has even given kisses to Mommy and Daddy!

What did he say?

Ike is chatting more and more all the time. Most of it is babbling, but he says it with such expression! He does say a few words. As of now, we can recognize ball, cheese, Mama, and Dada. He also says "Eh?" when he wants us to repeat something.

Since he seems to really like bath time and splashing his milk or water, we got him a water table for the backyard. Here are some photos and a video of him trying it out for the first time.